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Next Meeting April 1, 2025
Agenda 2025-03 Regular Meeting
OFFICE HOURS 7:30 am – 4:00 pm MONDAY – FRIDAY
Construction Map and Information Padre Dam & Helix Water Project in Lakeside “East County Advanced Purification Project”
Newly Reappointed Board Members Sworn in and New Board President and
Vice President were selected at the January 2025
Congratulations goes to three incumbent board members who were sworn in to serve new four
year terms at our January 7, 2025 Board of Director’s meeting. Division 1 incumbent Director Eileen
Neumeister was sworn in for her tenth term to serve Division 1, which includes the northern area of the
District, starting from just south of Highway 67, then north into Eucalyptus Hills along our western edge.
Also sworn in was Director Steve Robak, entering his third term in Division 4, which includes the north
east portion of the District covering the eastern portion of Eucalyptus Hills into the Muth Valley area,
and south to Lakeshore Drive. Additionally, Director Steve Johnson was sworn into his fifth term
representing the southern area of the District from approximately Highway 67 south to Royal Road.
Director Neumeister was also nominated and unanimously approved to serve a two-year term
as Board President; Director Johnson was nominated, and unanimously approved to serve a two-year
term as Board Vice President. General Manager Sanders will serve as the Board Secretary.
Good luck to Eileen, Steve Robak, and Steve Johnson as they enter their new terms to serve the
community and Lakeside Water District.
New Board President and Vice President were selected at
the January 7, 2025 Board of Director’s Meeting
Director Neumeister was nominated and unanimously approved to serve a two-year term as
Board President; Director Johnson was nominated, and unanimously approved to serve a two-year term
as Board Vice President. General Manager Sanders will serve as the Board Secretary.
Good luck to Eileen, Steve Robak, and Steve Johnson as they enter their new terms to serve the
community and Lakeside Water District.